
Thursday, January 10, 2013

iPad Document Camera Stand

I would like to introduce you to my NEW favorite thing!!!  Check this out.  It's a iPad Document Camera stand (and so much more).  Click here to see why I was sold.  After purchasing this product about a month ago, I'm in love.  It work in so many ways... Check it out.

You can make it a tall tripod.

It's the perfect doc cam

It can hold the doc cam vertically 
It can hold the ipad horizontally
It can even be plugged in while in the stand.

I feel better asking my students to use my one and only iPad in the room while on the stand.  It allows my students to record themselves and their work.  I'm excited to share the many ways that I'm using this doc cam stand in class in upcoming posts. 


  1. Wow!! I'm thinking about ordering one right now! Thanks for sharing - I hadn't heard of these!

  2. Thanks for the link Nicole! I have been looking for something like this! Exactly what I want! Time to write up a requisition!

  3. Thanks Nicole! This is exactly what I was looking for! Time to write up a requisition!

  4. There is a similar product too, that you don't have to take the iPad in and out. Much more user friendly.
