Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Everyday Art Room- Flipped the Classroom

Flipping the classroom is a practice that I have been actively doing for over 10 years for sure! My methods have changed throughout the years with new tools and devices. There have also been major advances in technology that has allowed me to move into a more streamlined creation of my flipped videos. Also... the many years under my belt have allowed me to be practiced which always makes it easier. 

When someone asks me about flipping the classroom... kind of the how-to and so forth, I always give the same advice. Take the one thing you are so sick of saying.  The one thing that you have to remind kids to do over and over... That is the video you want to make. Then record your hands explaining the process or the kids doing the task. Finally, bring it into iMovie and voice over, don't try to speak and act AND record at once when you are getting started. It's not worth it.

Here are the don't's. Don't record a lesson the first time you do it or before you teach your students. We all know that students will show us how best to teach students. How often do you do a lesson that you show the kids an then they say to you... oh... you mean like this. Then they give you the language that works for a 1st-grade brain or they show the method that is going to work for the kindergarten hand. That is gold. Record that lesson after you have taught it to 5 sections... just teach it one more time, record it, and put it on YouTube instead of placing the written version in an old filing cabinet.

Plus, if you share it, you have this document to share with families, students, and even other peers and art teachers (if you so choose). I think this is an amazing way to share with your global Art Education Tribe... so let me share my YouTube Channel.  One of my goals this summer was to organize the YouTube Channel... but I have not. Maybe in the next couple of months. I'm always forgiving of myself when it comes to goals... get them met if you can but if you can't, put it on the list for the new deadline. Life comes first. Long way to say, please feel free to explore this HUGE list of flipped videos on my Youtube Channel

Also, Be sure to check out my podcast about flipping the classroom on Everyday Art Room.

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