
Monday, October 25, 2010

Knuckle Prints

Sometimes the best hand prints are from different parts of the hands. Look below at what Sawyer is using for his print... his knuckles. This worked out perfect for my mini's to turn into pumpkins. And as you can see... Matisse did her own thing and that was perfect too=).


  1. I love that after painting all day at school you come home to finger painting. What an amazing mommy you are!

  2. Good point Erica... I do this all day and then I come home to two minis. I'm going to be honest, it isn't always easy to get up enough umph to do art projects with my kids at night. I do it because it is important and I always love when we are making the project. Set you and clean up is still a pain, at home or at school:)
