
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Winter Clay Project

I had to quick blog about this one because I'm so excited about it! I was messing around the other day and put this together. This is my project sample but I'm did it with my K's and they rocked it! Here's the 'how to'...

Cute a slab and draw a shallow line into the surface. I have these little plaster tiles that fire nicely so that is what I used for the branch. We were talking about mosaics with this project.

As the kids were placing in their tiles, I smeared a small amount of red clay onto the slab. When they were done with the tiles, they pressed a tight pine cone into the red clay areas. They finished up by connection the pinecones to the branch with tiles and and drawing the pine needles into the slab. I can't wait to fire them!


  1. I LOVE this! We have got to do this. Thanks for sharing this idea.

  2. so, the tiles are okay to be fired? hmm.. where did you get those?

  3. Wow ! I have tons of those tiles from a previous art teacher. I never knew they could be refired. Does anything happen to them?

  4. Awesome! I too and wondering about where to get those tiles, and had no idea you could fire them.

  5. Thanks for all the great comments! I'm sorry to report that i have no idea where to get the tiles. I had a bunch of kits donated and sent my way. I don't know where to get more. If you have tiles that look like this I would suggest trying it out before you do a whole class!

  6. Oh, this is very lovely. I'm going to save this one. jan
