
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Super Hero Trade

We are ready to ship out the super hero ATC to Artprojectgirl classroom. This is leading into a future project that I will be doing with my 4th grade this year. I'm going to have them place a super hero in a landscape. This was their warm up and trade:)

We were really excited to see the new post on the ArtProjectGirl's blog. The kids thought it was neat to see them in the hands of others! Check it out!


  1. I'm so bummed we have Monday off! That's the day I have the 5 th grade! I'm praying for no more snow so we don't miss Tuesday too. Thanks for the shout out. E

  2. No worries about the trade. This is the life of an art teacher. I'm lucky because we are on digital days for 1st through 5th. If we miss a day (like MLK day), what ever groups I was to see that day would move the the next and the rotation adjusts. In doing it this way I have all my students 35 times a year (without counting field trips, assemblies and so on).

  3. We're on a 6 day cycle, and we also never lose a day when there's a snow day or a day off. It works out much better than the old Monday-Friday type schedule, where the kids who had art on Mondays or Fridays always lost out with days off and holidays etc.

    Congrats to you and Art Project Girl on your trade!
