
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Update on Winter Clay Project

Here is a follow-up from a previously posted project. After firing these little guys I placed a flexible wire on one hole of the project before the class came.

I experimented with a couple of mediums. This is showing liquid watercolors. It turns out I like traditional water color better for this project. The liquid gets a little too pastel.

Then they are asked to create the pizzaz! BEADS... These are the tiny fusible beads that come in a gallon bucket. I love these to promote fine motor.

I didn't give a lot of direction with beads, I just gave suggestions of pattern... Most kids just enjoyed placing the beads on willy nilly.

Overall, I say this is a re-do. The kids loved them and there were a lot of process to them. I think they turned out sweet!


  1. Thanks for the link! K loved seeing the pic and narrating the post for me. Hope you had a great holiday!

  2. They are so cool! I love that tile idea. Have to try it with the mosaic tiles I have:) Looks like fun!
