
Friday, February 4, 2011

Amazing prints from Japan

IMG_3537, originally uploaded by nch1979.

This amazing woodcut is just one of the wonderful images that we received from our exchange with Japan. The school sent us several, very individual images. The quality and craftsmanship is amazing. Woodcuts… for 5th grade? Amazing. I still get cills every time I look at them. Enjoy more at my flickr account.


  1. Years ago I had a chance to visit schools in Japan. It was amazing how they systematically taught (in all the schools) the art of printmaking. They started in kindergarten with simple torn paper collages from which prints were lifted. With each grade, they built on that skill, progressing from monoprints, through linoleum blocks and finally, by 6th grade, kids were carving full out wood blocks. I forget the specific differences in the skill levels as one year built skills for the next year, but the steady increase in skill was very impressive!!

  2. Wow! Seriously? Woodcuts? When I was in college there were a few Japanese foreign exchange students in our art progeam and EVERTHING they made was meticulously done and always beautiful. These are amazing!

  3. Those are wonderful. I am chaperoning a group of middle schoolers to Japan this summer and am excited to see their art and culture.
    I am doing an exchange with students from China and am amazed as well. I will have to share them on my blog sometime soon.

  4. That is absolutely amazing from 5th grade.

  5. Oooooh weeeeee.........sure doesn't look like anything that's every crossed the threshold of my art room. jan

  6. No Joke all… Aren't these amazing. Fine line, Thanks for the insight on the printing process. I may have to do a little research on it.

  7. What amazing art from Japan! Very cool.
