
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Homework for Parents was a success!

Artist Trading Cards have been the theme for this school year. I wanted each student to know what a ATC was by June 2011. Kindergarten students recently completed their trade. They traded with their parents/or caregiver. Every student made several cards and picked the best one to be put into an envelope and sent home. I then gave the parent homework...

I sent home a letter explaining what a ATC is and provided a 2 ½ X 3 ½ inch card stock for the parents to make and send back to their child. If you want to see the letter I sent home click here. The art the parents sent was perfect. Each card told their child how much they loved them. The kids were excited and I found it a great way to 'get to know' these kids better. I got to see what is important to their child, through their parents eyes. Here are a couple of examples of parent work.

This was a hit! The kids loved opening up their ATC and looking at it. They loved sharing it. I heard more then once how their parent is the best artist in the world. It was a special day with lots of love and smiles. Thank you to all Kindergarten parents who participated!

PS. I know that if you are an educator reading this you are wondering what I did with the handful of kids who did not get a card sent back. I made about 20 cards with a special saying on them. We had the art turned back on the 9th so it gave me time to get a card ready for anyone who needed on. Even the kids that got a card from me were totally excited.


  1. That's such a nice project! I'm left wondering if middle school parents would be as excited to participate as kindergarten ones... !

  2. What a great opportunity for parent to share art with their kids!! Bravo to you!

  3. absolutely adorable idea!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. What a very fun idea and great way to connect with families. jan

  5. The childrens ATC are gorgeous. ATC are virtually unheard of here but it might be something to start doing :)

  6. Oh! brought a tear to my eye! What a perfect idea to coincide with Valentine's day.. I might try this at the beginning of next year.. or have Art stations at our open-house for the kids and parents to make them right there and then. I had a kindie-teacher-friend who used to have messages from the parents up in her class for the whole year, so if a child was feeling a little sad, they could see their message from mom/dad, etc.

  7. THANKS for all the comments. It was a success!

    Shar- I see that you have lived all over the world. How wonderful! ATC are not known here at all but that is why I brought it to my school. It is a great social art project that the kids could continue forever.

  8. Do u use themes when u do artist trading cards?

    1. Sometimes... This one was a Valentine ATC with parents. Sometimes I cover a concept. Other times a medium or process. The great thing about ATC it great process without a lot of materials!
