
Monday, July 25, 2011

I'm seeing QR everywhere, how do you use them in your classroom?

Starting to think about school again… I know, we still have summer left and I'm loving every minute of it still. When those school supplies come out at the store it is hard to ignore. As I have mentioned a couple of times, I'm going to the middle school. I want to get technology into the kids hands more on at this level. I was thinking about using QR Codes in my classroom. To find out more about QR Codes, click here. I have a couple of thoughts of how I would like to use these codes but was wondering if you are using them in your classrooms at all and if so, how?

I used Kaywa to create this code for my blog but there are other sites to do the same. The process is easy. Please write me with suggestions of how you are using the codes in your classrooms.


  1. Yeah! I'm commenting! It works! Thanks for the fix.

    Anyhow - about your post - this is not something I use in my classroom, honestly. Maybe I'm stuck in the dark ages, here in rural NY, but heck, I don't even HAVE a smart phone, and we've had a lot of problems, particularly in our high school, with kids and phones in school, so using them in the classroom seems a little problematic to me.

    But the truth is, maybe I'm not "with it". Don't get me wrong, I love the cool stuff we can do with all the recent innovations in technology (though I have a hard time keeping up), and I understand that you will be working with older kids this year, but for me, as an elementary art teacher, my focus remains on the hands-on tactile experiences. In our technological world, where kids don't even know how to hold a pen to write in cursive, and prefer playing video games and using virtual technology than building a fort in the woods or getting dirty making mud pies, I want them to know how it feels to wield a loaded paintbrush, to squeeze gooey stuff in their hands, to blend chalk with their fingers, and more. I think we can be an island of real experience in a technology-heavy school day, and I think it excites kids. That's why going to the art room and the gym are often their favorite times of the day.

    But on the other hand, since you are teaching middle school, I am interested to see what kinds of things you'll be doing with these codes, even though I'll retire before I ever change my mind for my program!

  2. Thinking about the comment I wrote before - I hope it didn't sound offensive! I didn't mean to condone the use of technology in the art room. I just don't want to see is REPLACE the hands-on tactile stuff! And yo know I respect all the wonderful things you do.

  3. I had great success this year creating a art story gallery in the hallway using QR codes. Students made super hero posters and then recorded a description using an app called Audioboo. You could listen to their stories by scanning the QR code. I explain more about the project here:

  4. The first thing I think of is black magnet squares on magnetic dry erase board to make evolving mazes. It would be a really great "after your work is done activity" and helps kids think spatially. Thoughts?

  5. I saw a cool QR Code paper weaving project here:

  6. I introduced QR codes to my students last spring by bringing it in as an art show feature. I just placed a QR code next to the project displayed that linked to a video or other information link about the concepts taught. SInce I prepped the kids, they knew how to get their parents involved by getting them to bring their Smartphones, iPads, and iTouches to our art show night. Rave reviews that night!!
    I was also wondering how others are using QR codes - started a discussion on Arted 2.0 about QR codes. Would love to hear your thoughts there as well!
