
Monday, August 15, 2011

House Numbers for our New Home...

I wanted to make place our new house numbers on a planter out front. I waited all season for a 'deal' on a big pot and finally scored one! Yah, there isn't any flowers in it, but it will look wonderful next summer. Here's how I did it.

I went to my local craft store and got some sticky vinyl. My thought was to use a Cricut to draw out the numbers but I didn't have access to one the 'minute' I wanted to make this project so I did it the old fashion way, x-acto knife and printed out numbers from. Either way works. I kept both the negative and positive of the number.

I placed the positive numbers on the pot so I could get some really good spacing and see what ti was going to look like. Then I place the negatives around the numbers. Above you see me removing the positive to create a stencil.

I taped off the areas with plastic bags around the numbers. This was to keep it nice and clean as I spay painted the pot (as seen below).

Finally, you will need one sweet little girl to help you peel all the vinyl off the pot. Make sure the spray paint is really dry before doing this part of the project. (Waiting is always hard for me)

I feel the pot is nice and welcoming! Again, can't wait to get flowers in it!


  1. Fabulous! You've accomplished so much at your house this summer - wow!

    By the way - thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Gotta say - DITTO!
