
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Step two: QR Code Project- YouTube

As I mentioned in my previous posts, I have recorded the desired footage and uploaded it to YouTube.  I guess I should first say that in order to do this you will need a YouTube account.  I have found this to be a great educational tool.  I can add to my favorites 'how-to' videos, educational clips and there are so many videos about artist and artwork.  All can be added to my 'favorites'.  In addition, all video's that I upload are located on 'my channel'.  This is helpful for when I am teaching a project a second time or I want a sub to present a video I had created perviously.  YouTube can be a great educational tool and if it blocked for you, advocate to have it opened for teacher use.

Here are a couple of settings that I make when I upload video…

When I go into the settings up my video's these are a couple of changes I make when students are involved.  I never put last names. Sometimes I will describe with is going on, but other times I will not. I always change the category to Educational, if appropriate.

I like to make my video's unlisted.  This means that only people with a link can get to the video.  I just like the idea of only letting groups who I want to view videos the chance to.  When students are involved, I take off comments, ratings and responses to videos.  I think this keeps it a little safer for the students involved. Finally I always leave ON the embed code.  This allows me to embed in webpages, blogs, and other educational locations.

This was the second step I did when making the QR codes project.

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