
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Emphasis on Oil Pastels

I asked my 7th grade to create Emphasis using oil pastels.  I was impressed with their results.  Students drew their images on black tag board and traced their lines with white glue.  When the glue was dried they filled in the spaces with oil pastels.  I encouraged students to create as much shading as they could.  If you want to see more works from this lesson, please visit my flickr site.


  1. Impressive subjects! I love using glue to outline edges.

  2. these look great. good variety in color blending! it's interesting to see how the older kids handle the same media that i am using with my 2nd graders right now:)

  3. What a beautiful collection of oil pastel works. Your students did an exceptional job. I like the added glue lines too.

  4. I saw all the pictures in flickr site, these are fantastic works of art! Which kind of glue did you use? Is it like Bostik transparent glue?
    Howevere your blog is amazing! Thank you for have joined mine!

  5. I didn’t know Pinterest.. it’s amazing! Thank you for “pinned” my images, I’m very happy! I requested an invite from Pinterest because for our job is very important to meet each other!! Thanks for your suggestions!
