
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

ART is Basic

Jessica, from The Art of Education was kind enough to let me know that MiniMatisse is nominated for Art Ed Blog of the Year.  I am so humbled by this, especially when I see who the other nomination are.  I want to take a minute to highlight some of the other blogs that are being honored in the same way.  If you are not following these blogs, please do because they are AMAZING!!

It is my privilege to introduce Marcia Beckett, and her blog Art is Basic.  Marcia is a fellow mid western girl from Madison, WI.  She has had a couple of looks for her blog though out the years and even different names.  You might have know this blog as Vivid Layers at one point.  Mrs. Beckett shares great lessons and breaks them down visually for her readers understanding.  She also give great tips along the way.  Make a point to visit Art is Basic today!

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