
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Art Teachers Hate Glitter

Jessica, from The Art of Education was kind enough to let me know that MiniMatisse is nominated for Art Ed Blog of the Year.  I am so humbled by this, especially when I see who the other nomination are.  I want to take a minute to highlight some of the other blogs that are being honored in the same way.  If you are not following these blogs, please do because they are AMAZING!!

Who couldn't love a blog named Art Teacher Hate Glitter?  The author of the blog states…


You will not find cool lesson plans or pictures of student art work here.

There are many other (better) blogs out there where you can find that sort of thing.
Here you will be given a glimpse into the (crazy) mind of an (overworked and underfed) elementary art teacher. 
This blog is not safe for children.

The humor and candid conversation you get from this blog is refreshing.  If you are an art teacher you will find yourself often saying… Uh huh, yep, exactly… as you read her words.  Check it out

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