
Monday, January 2, 2012

Last Chance to get them hooked.

Eighth grade has been a lot of fun for me to develop.  In our district, this is the last Visual Arts class a student must take.  I want them to continue in art so I have set up the class to "advertise" what they could explore more at a high school setting.  I present lessons such as drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, digital arts and jewelry so student can see a strong correlation between what we are doing in class and what they can sign up for in high school.  After our clay unit for the students who finish early, I invite students to watch and take part in a wheel demo.  We have 4 wheels and only a quarter with these kids so a demo is all we have time for however, I like letting the kids touch the clay as it is moving… I have some students say it is the best part of class.  

Our class had so much fun, I wanted to share it with my mini's too.  Sawyer had a great time.  It was a fun holiday break!

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