
Friday, January 20, 2012

Three more new blogs...

Jessica, from The Art of Education was kind enough to let me know that MiniMatisse is nominated for Art Ed Blog of the Year.  I am so humbled by this, especially when I see who the other nomination are.  I want to take a minute to highlight some of the other blogs that are being honored in the same way.  If you are not following these blogs, please do because they are AMAZING!!

These are blogs that I was not as knowledgeable about.

The Paper Pear is a newer teacher sharing her exciting discoveries.  I found out that she is a Pinner on Pinterest and love that about her.  She seems to think BIG with her lessons and art shows.

Splats, Scraps, and Glue Blobs is another blog I hadn't visited before but now I am following.  Theresa Gillespie is another Midwest gal working in Illinois.  I learned that she has a Med in Education and Technology (a girl after my own heart).  I agree with her philosophy that art and technology are a great combination. 

Finally, Organized Chaos, is another blog that I am a new follower of.  I would make number 40 in followers, so I would say Mrs. Novak is a untapped resource.  She seems to post often with some great ideas.  That is one of my favorite things in a blog, new information often.


  1. Thank you for sharing my blog on your site! Still cannot believe I was listed among such wonderful teachers!

  2. Nice art thanks for sharing & nice blog posted by you.
    Portrait Artists

  3. Nic,
    I need your email! You got 9th place in the Art Ed Blog of the Year contest, and I have award badges to send you! email me at! Congrats!

  4. Hi! I had no idea that you posted me on your blog until Jess told me! Thanks for posting about my blog. What an honor to be apart of this contest of sorts. I have found many new blogs, including yours, that I hadn't run into yet! I do post often, about once a week or more. I really love to take pictures while the kids are working and the tables are covered with different supplies. I am hoping one of these days to set up a time lapse of what goes down in the art room.
