
Saturday, February 11, 2012

More on radial balance

After posting about a lesson featuring radial balance, I received a question from Jamie Lea.  She writes, 

Jamie Lea...
These are beautiful. Would you mind sending me a link to where you got this lesson plan or how you went about doing this lesson? I think my students would love it as well!

I didn't find this lesson on any site but I have since found other do this lesson the same way as I did.  The best tutorial that I have found is on Mrs. Keller's,  Splish, Splash, Splatter.  Click here to check it out.  I think I would do the lessons as Mrs. Keller did next time I try this lesson, I found the detail that my kids put into this lesson created a TON of work and the lesson lasted a bit too long.  Mrs. Keller had more free form shapes and lines and it is a very successful project.  

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