
Friday, March 2, 2012


A staff can make or break a school.  This is my first year at RMS and let me tell you, this staff 'makes' this school.  Not only are we working to improve our school at all times for the kids, we are also working to create and build on relationships as coworkers.  Here is just one example.  

We have four different lunch shifts at our school.  I was switched to a new lunch this last quarter.  I was a bit sad because the lunch I was eating with are my friends, my support group at a new school.  We are only 4 weeks into the new schedule and I have been welcomed in with open arms to a new lunch.  I learn about my new lunch buddies personalities, hear what they are doing in their classes, and yes, even make cupcakes together.  Apparently this group loves 'friendly' competition so we recently had a CUPCAKE WAR.  What a fun activity.  Lots of amazing cupcakes!  Check out the fun I had with such a great group of people.  

 The winner!!! Leuer Moose!

 2nd Place, Wilsey's Shark

 Barely a 3rd, Hahn's Sheep (my cupcake)

 Honorable Mention, Benting's Bee

 Honorable Mention, Mr. Hahn's Turkey (my husband's Cupcake)

 Honorable Mention, Peterson's Bug cake

Honorable Mention, Mr. Wespetal's Turtle


Jen comments:  

Every Friday at my school the staff plays volleyball from 2 to 3 (during our hour planning). It is a great way to hang out with each other and let off some steam.

What a great way to bond.  Our district does a simular event where we meet after school hours and play volleyball against the other schools.  We have 9 elementary schools and RES (my old school) was always 2nd place... AHHH!  That  darn Twin Lakes Elementary:)

Phyl comments:

Fabulous cupcakes, but I'm confused - you have time do do this during the school day??

OH no!!!  We decided in our 1/2 hour lunch on Monday that we should do this activities.  We all made these cupcakes outside of school and brought them in on Friday.  That was the 'real' fun... no on had a clue what each other was bringing.  


  1. Very impressive cupcakes. I was thinking the cupcakes were just going to have frosting and sprinkles. This was really a cupcake war.
    Every Friday at my school the staff plays volleyball from 2 to 3 (during our hour planning). It is a great way to hang out with each other and let off some steam.

  2. Fabulous cupcakes, but I'm confused - you have time do do this during the school day??

    And as for volleyball during planning, we have been told, unequivocally, that planning time is for PLANNING.

    As for lunch time, mine is so late on some days I eat lunch alone with a good book 3 days out of 6. On the days I have lunch with actual people we discuss Survivor or The Bachelor while we eat.

  3. Wespetal's turtle was the best.

  4. thats very kool that u made that out of cupcakes

  5. Wesp Sides (Mr. Wespetal) is deffinetly the best. i love the value he put into the cupcake... i bet you (Mrs. Hahn) did his (Mr. Hahn) cupcake ;)

  6. Wesp Sides (Mr. Wespetal) is deffinetly the best. i love the value he put into the cupcake... i bet you (Mrs. Hahn) did his (Mr. Hahn) cupcake ;)

  7. That moose cupcake is amazing, the moose is so detailed.
