
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thoughts on Rocks...

I have just complete (and I say that loosely) an amazing project.  About six months ago I was on Art2.0 Ning and saw an invite to participate in a project called, Rock Thoughts.  After visiting the RockThoughts site, I knew this was perfect for me and my school.

In the next couple of posts I want to bring you through the process of this project.  I'm not saying this is the best way, or only way... just a way:)

Here was my goal, I wanted to get each homeroom to participate.  We have about 51 homerooms with roughly 27 student each.  I then wanted to get the three elementary schools that feed into our middle school involved.  Finally, I wanted to get the community in the action too.  It was a big job but Karla and the Rock Thought staff were very willing to help me through every step of the way.  Steps to follow...

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