
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Step 6- Writing the story

Now to have the kids write the story.  As of step 2, there has already been assigned jobs for the students.  This is where the writers SHINE!  I provided this worksheet not really knowing how it would help.  I just thought for some kids it would have them think of the direction of their story.  Some kids used it and were able to really run with their story.  Some stories were very forced... I guess that's going to happen with you are working with such a vass group of people.  I think if I were to do this again, I would have an english teacher do a bit of a story lesson for the kids on the morning show. I would have liked to see deeper thought of the rocks stories over all.  If you would like to look at this worksheet, click here...

Once stories have been created they are submitted on the RockThought websites.  They have a google doc set up at this time.  It works slick.  All submissions are viewed before posting so there is a bit of a delay.  

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