
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Play Room

When I grew up my we would visit my Great Uncles Dave and Aunt Jeanne's house.  He had a train set up in a back room of his house and we would love to watch it go around and around.  In the same room he had a small play house.  It had two levels so adults couldn't fit in well... but kids could.  This was our favorite place to be when we visited.  We would set all the dolls up and play house.  It was our place inside of an adult world.  I wanted my kids to have a place like that in our house as well.  This was the final check on our 'to do' list for the summer and I'm proud to say... We finished it! (with two days to spare:))

My husband made this structure really strong with a sturdy frame.  He lined the inside of the play house with whiteboard facing in.  He also cut a hole to allow for access to the outlet.

Then we added the second floor.  We split the difference between the ceiling and the floor.  That's about perfect for my mini's (4 and 6 years old).

As you can see the second floor is only about 3/4 of the length.  The ladder was something he had made a while ago for bunk-beds that are currently separated.   

As soon as we would let them, they were in the house 'decorating'.  As you can see... They drew a TV on the wall complete with remote controls and a program on.

Another thing my son was SUPER excite about was a pulley that would bring things from the bottom to the top.  He's such a little engener. 

This is a look from inside out.  Here they are writing on their other white board in the room.  You can get more info on that by visiting a previous post.

I added a bit of whimsey to the room.  I was thinking about a coloring book when I created the designs.  I also found some cute inspirations on Pinterest (Here and Here)  So far the kids are playing down there all the time!  I love this space because it's right beside my craft space.  More on that soon!