
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Zucchini Boats

Every year we grow a garden and every year I end up looking for countless ways to use zucchini.  We make bread, side dishes, main dishes... but never before have we made zucchini boats like this.  We were gone for a couple of days and anyone who has had a garden knows what that means... massive produce when you return.  We had two zucchinis that got out of hand.  We picked them and I made the comment that I didn't know what to do with them.  My brother-in-law suggested that we carve them out and make them into boats.  What a great idea!  Heres what we did.

Above you see the kids scooping out the zucchinis.  We just cut the veggies in half the long way and used spoons to carve them out as you would a pumpkin... although, much easier then a pumpkin.  We found out the better the veggie was scooped out, the better it floated. 

We made little people out of play dough and placed them in the boats.

We used skewers and construction paper for the sails.  Check out the video of how the voyage went.

To see the video of us floating the boats, click here.


  1. That is so cool, because, you know what? We made and sailed cucumber boats today!!

  2. Here is a link to our cucumber boats...

  3. There's an adorable kiddie-rock band around here called the Zucchini Brothers. When my son was little, they used to play annually at a weekly summer outdoor lunchtime concert series. When it was their week to perform, they held a zuccini sculpture contest and all the kids would bring crazy stuff they built out of those extra zuccinis in their gardens. It was always great fun.

    While you will probably never see the Zucchini Brothers perform in your area (since they are from Saratoga Springs NY) you should check them out online - your kids will love them. You can find them at

  4. Oops that should be (I spelled it wrong before and my iPad wouldn't let me correct it. Anyhow, check them out; they are adorable.
