
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Get those parents involved!

One of the assignments that was given to us in the class Managing the Art Room was to work on how to create better parent/teacher interaction.  This works out well in my case because our administration has asked us to think of new ways to encourage parents to volunteer and become more of a part of their child's middle school experience.  I have created a small list of ways I think parents might want to help out in the classroom.  I have also made a google form for parents to fill out to let me know what they are most interested in.  Click here to see the form...  The list below is what I've come up with so far.  Dan you think of others I'm forgetting?  Please let me know.

Classroom discussion
Assist with verbal evaluation
Share your personal experiences in art such as vacations, or museum visits

Displaying Artwork
Art within our School
One time Art Shows such as the District Art Show

Preparing supplies for class
Cutting paper
Preparing clay or loading the kiln

Share you skills
Demonstrate/teach your talents such as drawing, painting, sculpture, clay, or others art mediums

Field Trip Chaperone

Grant Writing Opportunities

Art Contest Coordinator

Photographing Artwork

Financial or Supply Donation


  1. Great ideas! I'm still trying to find ways to volunteer at my kid's elementary school. Not many of the teachers want help in the classroom. Sad :(

  2. getting parents into the middle school can be hard...that's a good list you have going:)

  3. Was thinking about trying something similar using signup genius website. This would allow you to specify the dates you're willing to have someone in the room and the type of activity you want on that day. Just a thought!

  4. Hi NIcole
    I have a lot of volunteers in the art room - about one per class (I'm at the elementary level). I think you've covered all the bases!
    At the elementary level, I also ask them to help struggling students, or help out students who were absent the week before and therefore missed part 1 of the lesson.
    I ask them to man the printing stations.
    At grades K-1, I ask them to be 'guest readers' if we are reading storybooks as part of the lesson.

    I haven't tried this yet....I want to do a guest speaker series about careers in art and design featuring parents who are artists, decorators, architects, photographers. What they do in a typical day. I would like to record it for future classes.
