
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Shadow Words

I LOVE this new project.  I was GREATLY inspired by A Faithful Attempt, an amazing blog that I have followed for quite some time now.  This is how I attempted the project with my 8th grade.  We took notes on both Contour line, and value.  I asked the students to take ONLY one class period to make a sculpture of a word.  They brought the sculpture in and I snapped a photo of it.
The kids traced on photo as to show where the contour line is.  After they had transfered the contour line onto their paper, students used value to make make the image 'pop'.  For a first attempt I was really impressed with the class.  They did a nice job!  Please see the full collection on my flickr site.
As you can see I had a light shining on the image as to create the most shadow I could. I took a picture so the same shadow would be on the sculpture in the next couple days of drawing.


  1. These are amazing. If I ever teach middle school I will use this project.

  2. These look amazing!!! I can't wait to try this with my 8th clever to take a picture so the value stays the same!

  3. What a fabulous unique project! I love the hole concept and process of it, and the kids really came through on this and did a terrific job!

  4. these are great! they did a really good job the kid who did the word color has my full respect. Are you all in Seattle or WA?

  5. What amazing idea!! the result is impressive! It's a useful way to learn the value and the positions of light and shadow. Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Thanks for the mention- your kids did a great job!
    Miss from "A Faithful Attempt"

  7. I know this is very late - but this project just looks too good to pass up! I am going to do this with my 7th and 8th graders... did you have them use clear tape to hold their letters "together", or did you show them how to fold it another way? THANKS! :)

    1. I think we used glue and created tabs with the paper strips. It was a GREAT lesson!

  8. Love this lesson!!! DO you think it would be too much to attempt with a 5th grade class?

    1. I do think it would be challenging for 5th grade. Maybe think more simple with a 3-d shape rather than a word. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
