
Monday, March 11, 2013

Art Soup

I work with wonderful people who are always looking out for me and our department.  A friend in the lunch room shared with me that they go through about 12 LARGE cans a day.  They are recycled but she was wondering if I could repurpose them.  After dreaming about cans for 2 weeks, I cam up with Art Soup.  I asked students to fine a masterwork to dissect.  They created a foreground, middle ground and background.I liked the end result!

Above is a short video of how I taught the kids to put the can together.  

The three rounds



See more on my flickr site  (click here)

To display these wonderful works, I used boxes from my friends in the lunch room as well.  The cans fit nicely in the boxes and made it easy to move and display them.  They were a focus at conferences.  


  1. These are so great! What a fabulous idea!

  2. What a great idea!!! Such a fantastic way to explore art history!!!

  3. did the kids like the end result? i think that is a pretty clever idea!

  4. They look very professional.

  5. This is a lovely project. Your blog is wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Greetings from a italian art teacher

  6. Wow! What a marvelous idea!! Thank you :) Elizabeth

  7. Very nice and atist job...Thanks for sharing ...i live in greece and iam a painter and teacher in the scool...but we havenot special class for art we do in the classroom...thanks again .it is like magic box...elli

  8. This is a very cool lesson!! I'm pinning it!

  9. These are way cool Nic! Very resourceful idea I love it!

  10. Hi Nic
    I love these! I have never seen anything like this. So cool!
