
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What's Your Super Power?

Check out these cool new Super Hero Cuffs.  You'll be surprised to see how we made these gems...

We started out with a toilet paper tube and some stickers.  These stickers were actually donated to me by the City Elk River sign department.  They have little scraps that they said I could use.  I'm was really excited to use the new supplies.

First cut the paper tube in half and divide the side.   The I covered each tube with the stickers.  I think you could use contact paper or markers instead.

 Then I decorated them both with 'Love Power' in this case...  My little dear LOVEs these.  I think I might also add a hole with some sting to make a tie.  That might help keep them on these little wrists.

We will be making these cuffs for our final 'Make and Take' of the season. Kids can come Aug. 15th from 5:30-7 to find their own super power.   Stay for the concert down town.  The band playing is 'Ladies from the 80's' (who doesn't like that)?

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