
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

White Line Printing

This is a great project that my coworker Mr. K learned at the Minnesota Art Education conference.  He calls it white line printing.  When I saw him presenting it to his class I ran to get my camera.  He has given me permission to present this process to you. 

Students create a foam plate.  Make sure their lines are very deep for this plate.  

Ask students to tape the plate down on their table.

Students then center their paper over the foam.  They hinge the top of the paper with tape.

Here you see Mr. K showing students students use a marker to color on the foam.  He does little sections at a time and them flips the paper onto the foam.  The marker is transferred with little pressure on the back of the paper.  Colors can be added on the same section twice.

REALLY!!  How much more clean, and quick is this process.  Thanks to Art Educators of Minnesota and Mr. K for bringing this new technique my way!!


  1. Wow! This looks like a great project for those times when i just don't have the space, time, or energy for ink and brayers. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Very interesting process...I'm going to have to try this one out!

  3. What a great way to do printmaking!!!! What grade did he do this with?
