
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Crayon Wax Hearts

Holiday break was filled with activities.  We played, watched movies, did crafts, baked, played games. visited friends and family.  It is treasured family time for sure, but by Jan. 2nd my mini's were ready to get back to school.  There was one problem, one of my mini was sick.  We were both able to get back to school on Friday the 3rd only to find out a the end of the day that school was canceled for the state of Minnesota due to the extreme cold for Monday.  My husband had an ice fishing trip planned with the guys up north and there was nothing stopping him from going.  Not even -65 degrees.  So the kids and I spent Sat., Sun., Mon. and now TUESDAY together IN THE HOUSE.  You may be in a similar situation so here is an activity that the kids and I worked on.   It's a classic, but a good one to do on a day that you are inside.


  1. I hope it warms up soon. One of my favorite books as a kids was, Snow Bound with Betsy. They did the same thing you are doing with your kids.

    1. Oh, that sounds like a great book! I will check it out! Thanks for the suggestion!
