
Friday, January 31, 2014

It's debatable...

What do you do when half of your class is gone because of a STEM field trip, another group is gone because of a choir concert, and a few more are coming in late because we got 6 inches of snow.  You debate.  I showed a TED talk about why doodling is good for learning.  Then we debated the subject.  

Things to keep in mind when teaching about debate in class...
  • Keep it kind, never attack another thoughts. 
  • Share your thoughts only when the bean bag is in your hand.
  • Cheer for your group.
  • Try hard to point out your side of the debate (even if it isn't 'really' how you feel)
Introduce the debate topic to you class and separate them into two groups.  Give the groups a few minutes to brain storm their points.  Then have each side 'state' their opinion.  Have them toss the 'talking object' back and forth until no one else is willing to share.  We usually don't determine a 'winner', it's just to get a little discussion.  This debate was should students be allowed to 'doodle' in the classroom.  I would love to hear from you if you have ever used debate in class and if so, what did you have your students discuss.

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