
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Stop Motion: What's my Job?

Let's make sure each student get's to participate.  Here are some buttons that I made for my students to wear on the production days.  I created different colors that matched their color group.

The camera was for the picture taker.  This job is to take the pictures with the iPads.

The smiley faces are for the the Actors.  Actors are in charge of moving the characters.

The clapperboard is for the director to wear.  The directors job is to instruct the characters to move and the camera person to take the picture. 

Some of my students came up with the GREAT idea to switch buttons every 30 pictures.  This was perfect because most groups created about 100 + slides for their stop motion project. 


  1. Muy buen trabajo! Felicitaciones! mis alumnos lo hicieron en plastilina.

    1. Thank you for the comment. Do you have pictures of your work from your students?
