
Monday, May 19, 2014

Weaving with Your Body

Keeping in mind that people learn in many ways, I try to keep movement in my lessons as much as I can.  Here is a new way that I have started introduce weaving to my 2nd grade students.   I wanted to hit both vocabulary and concept in this introductory activity. They have a blast!!


  1. This is awesome!!! What an awesome way to reach those kinesthetic learners and reinforce vocabulary! Did you notice any difference in their understanding once they began weaving?

    1. Agreed! It was a fun activity. I have notices better understanding of terms... the weaving it's self s about the same.

  2. I did human weaving with my students, too! We did it differently than you, but still, engaging their bodies really enhances their understanding.

  3. I literally did this last week with 2nd grade too! So you and me need to write a book... We will need an editor... You and I and Phyl:)

    1. Humm... Good thought! I think we would have an amazing program if we were to work together. I'll be in the elementary next year again. Can't wait to share more ideas with you in 2014/15.

  4. Love this idea! Do you have each child start differently as if they were consecutive rows or do they all start the same way...i.e.: under, over

    1. This is just an introduction, so no... I keep it simple with every other rope. Good thought.

  5. We were just finishing up a unit on weaving, and I was looking for a way to reinforce the vocabulary... so helpful! Thanks for the idea! The kids LOVED it! I linked to you in my blogpost :)
