
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Another little weaving

Here is another little weaving.  I wanted to repurpose some left over materials.  My family (father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Great Aunt, Great Grandma, Husband and Kids) helped me with some winter decoration that we used at the Art Alliance of Elk River (see previous post).  We have found yet another way to uses these little gems.

Place small nails on either side of the slice of wood to create a loom.  I used wire for the warp, I found it to be helpful to wrap around each nail head.

On this example I'm using yarn.  I tied it to the end of the wire and started weaving.  I think this would be difficult on this small scale for young artists.

I tied off the end of the weaving onto the nail or wire.

Another finished example of this is one a little more random with ribbons, yarn, beads and fabric.  I like both of them for different reasons. 

Each of these works of art had a heart painted on them so I simply used that for a signature to the piece.  The image above is the back.

I'm always looking at ways to use what I already have.  It's in all of us art teachers I think.

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