
Monday, July 14, 2014

Printing Spider Webs

This is one of my hero's who just happens to be my aunt.  I must have inherited all my creativity from her (well maybe not because she is my husbands aunt) but I think we were meant to be in each others family.  Anyway, Aunty Carolyn wanted to 'print' some spider webs with Matisse.  We have more than enough webs to supply a whole afternoon of fun in the north woods of WI. 

Above you see Carolyn spraying the web with black spray paint. In the two pictures below she is pulling the paper from the back of the web to the front.  The paint keeps it stuck to the paper and we are really able to examine the beauty of the webs.

Here are a couple more examples.  These two had a blast creating art from nature. 


1 comment:

  1. So very cool! I have a zillion huge spider webs around my house outside, I am so going to try this! Thanks! :)
