
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Of Thee I Sing, a Celebration project dedicated to those who have served

This project was to honor our Veterans on Nov. 11, 2014

How many of you have seen this image and pinned it?

Lots of you, I know, I see it over and over.  It's so inspiring.  What a clever idea from Artistes a Les Corts.  I needed to try it with my third grade and I thought Veterans Day would be a perfect day to display it.

Day 1:  The kids painted.  They first drew their self-portaits and then they painted with black line.  The best part was, I read the book Of Thee I Sing: A letter to my daughters, by Barack Obama.  The kids were quiet, working, peeking up their heads every now and again to look at the pictures.  It was a powerful class.  Reading the words of our President talking about 13 inspiring Americans that helped build our great nation.

Day 2:  The kids followed along as we created many different facial features.  They cut them out and played with the features to make different expressions.  I asked them to put a singing mouth on.  We used clear tape to adhere the face on.

The display was tremendous!  To see all 150ish 3rd grade students 'singing' the great words written for our nation.  The volunteer that helped me with this display had a real eye for this display.  We had a snow day yesterday so our celebration to honor Veterans is postponed.  Hassan Elementary will host the Lions Veterans breakfast on Monday, Nov. 17th.  We will have a concert and there is even a surprise for our young students planned.  I may update next week.

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