
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Line Portfolio

We just wrapped up conferences for our 1st trimester.  Our first grade had been working on a line portfolio.  This book/portfolio was designed over several weeks.  We started out learning about and practicing several lines.  Then we painted them onto what would become the cover.  The following week we colored the covers.  I used markers for one class but found out that the black tempera paint rubbed off on the markers, so we switched to color crayons.  This cover was very much inspired by Cassie Stephens

Each book was put together before the next visit to art.  On the 3rd day, we tried drawing the lines that we had been practicing.  This was a great way to tell parents what we have been working on.  Each page had it's own kind of line; diagonal, vertical, horizontal, thick, thin, curved, zig zag, and the last was a page that allowed students to use their lines to make a picture. 

Before parent got these little treats in their students conference folders I included a half sheet saying what we had learned in class this trimester. It looked like this...

I was amazed by the variety and the beauty of these books.  I hope the parents were impressed. 


  1. Very cool idea and creative way to teach lines. Are you willing to share your blank document for the book. I would love to do this with my first graders. Thanks.

  2. I would be but I don't have it. It was kind of a cut and paste. If I do this again and make it more digital, I will share it for sure.
