
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Art Teacher Swap

Those who read this blog know I love to swap... Swap stories, swap art, swap ideas.  But I've never swapped art teachers... until now.  I'm so excited to announce Leah Schultz of Twin Lakes Elementary will be coming to teach the students of Hassan Elementary for the next digital week.  I am allergic to clay and Leah loves to teach clay.  She had the BRILLIANT idea to switch classrooms for a week.  She will be teaching every student at Hassan Elementary Clay and I will be going to Twin Lakes to teach stop motion animation, one of my strengths.  This is going to be a great experience for Mrs. Schultz, the students at Hassan Elementary and myself.  I can't wait!


  1. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!! I've got a mild allergy to clay hands will peal/itch/bubble. Oh..and my sinuses!!! ahh!!

    1. E. Did you develop that over time. I have been around clay for 20 years but the last 7 (since I was prego with baby 2), I started developing a reaction. My eyes swell shut and than peal and bleed. Totally HOTT!

    2. No, I just have sensitive skin....dumb cry baby skin!!! :) I've always had issues with it. Like I isn't HORRIBLE...but my skin usually gets little bubbles..then peals. Doesn't usually bleed though..just red and a bit ouchie.

  2. What a smart, problem solving idea! There are many teachers in my district that I would love to switch with, each of us sharing different areas of expertise. Love this idea!

  3. How did you make this happen?? Are you in the same school district? I love this! Such a great way to teach to your strengths!

    1. Yep, same district. We have 9 elementary schools in our district. I can't wait to let you know how it goes. It think it will be amazing!

  4. What a great idea! Share how things go us.

    Renee Collins
