
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Stop Motion with Kindergarten- Mondrian Inspired

How do you teach (or at least create) a stop motion animation with Kindergarten?  Here's one idea...

I took a sheet of glass out of a frame that I was not using.  Using a thick cord, I created an 'X' and taped it to the glass.  It took a little fussing when I hung it from the ceiling but I got it even eventually.  I placed an iPad on top of the glass and start a Stop Motion Studio app.  There is a feature on the app that allows you to set a timer to take pictures.  I set it for 5 seconds.

Right below the camera I create the structure for the piece of art I wanted the kids to work on.  I made a mistake the day before and taped the paper to the floor (it pulled up some of the wax) so instead I used a large sheet of plastic to cover the art work.  I made a stop at Office Depot on my way to work and picked up some red, yellow, and blue post it notes.

I had the post it notes ready to go on a large board.  I asked them to only take one at a time to move them around.  We also practiced our 'safe feet' as the kids made their way across the artwork. See the video to get and idea of the classroom and direction.

While I was working with these small groups I had 5 other station set up.  Their were two stations with different blocks, a white board station, an iPad station, and a mini Mondrian artwork station. I rotated about every 5-7 minutes.

Take a look at the final artwork.  I'm really happy with the way it turned out!


  1. OMG! The WAY you recorded that....A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! You rock...ya know that, right??!!!!

    1. Thanks E. I have had a blast with this project!

  2. Thank you so much for doing a teacher swap-TLE is very lucky to have had your creativity and enthusiasm!
