
Sunday, July 17, 2016

STEAMed Magazine and Conference from EducationCloset

EducationCloset has some very exciting things happening this week that I really wanted to share with you.  First, the quarterly digital magazine STEAMed came out a couple of days ago.  It is full of great resources and articles circling around STEAM.  Click here to read more. 

I was honored to have an article published in the magazine this time.  I wrote about #ProcessPigs that I implemented last year in Hassan Elementary's Art Studio (click here to see all the pigs).  I love sharing about #ProcessPigs or my Monster Mediums because it's one of those teaching practices that really worked!  As with all teachers, I'm sure you try about 1000 lessons, techniques, and experiments before you can say... 'Yep, this one works.' That is what this article is about... the one idea out of 1000 that worked in my Art Sudio. 

And then this!! EducationCloset has their upcoming summer ONLINE conference. This was some amazing PD in the past and looking at the line up now... I know it will be amazing again.  Why can I say that with such conviction?? I chat with some of these spectacular educators on a regular basis on #k12ArtChat. Trevor Bryan, Joy Schultz, Arlene Shelton, and Rich Stachon are part of my #PLN (Professional Learning Network) and inspire me all the time. Join them... There isn't much time left to get in on this opportunity, it takes place July 21st... but you can purchase and watch on demand after the conference as well. (Click here to find more details about the conference). 

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