
Monday, August 29, 2016

Art to Remember, Primary Petals

I presented at the Art of Education conference, ArtEdNow this year twice.  Once was on this super cute project that we called Primary Petals.  It's the Art to Remember activity that I'm choosing to do with my K's this year. (lesson plan here)

This lesson is unique because it uses some wonderful materials such as PlayColor sticks by Jack Richeson and some basics like watercolors.

I'm going to have students start out with a tracer.  I'm working with my K's so I'll be providing the tracers but for the older kids, I would have them create their shape for a vase. 

Outline this drawing with sharpie and add a horizon line.  The line can be dotted between the vase lines to make it look like glass. Then I have the kids do several layers of swirls using PlayColors. This is a difficult task for K's so practicing this first might be a good thing. 

Use the play colors to create the stems and the 'table cloth'.  It's a good idea to have patterns available for your students to look at for the table cloth.  You can use traditional watercolors or liquid watercolors for the rest of the work of art.  The PlayColors are water resistant so they repel the light medium of watercolor pretty good. 

...And then they are done! The flowers have been successful and unique with all the students that I have worked with. I can't wait to share the results as I work on this project in class! 

Here is the lesson plan portion presented a the AOE now.  My helper was amazing!! 


  1. Wow, it is incredible artwork for kids. I like this idea a lot. My son has just started going to Phoenix pre-k and I am also finding such fun ideas to preserve his class arts and crafts. I have found some nice ideas to turn those arts in home decor stuff.

  2. Nice post. When toddlers get enrolled in preschools and kindergartens they come to explore and learn many new things which expand their horizons of knowledge and thinking. If you are looking for interesting ideas for your kids then you should see these fun ideas at
