
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Swap is Full!!

We did it... We hit our 100 school limit!  I'm sorry, we are no longer accepting any more participants for the 2016 #ATCswap.  It only took two days to get 100 schools to sign up! I'm so excited people!! Let's take a look at who we have participating! 

We have schools from Canada, three from Australia, Cambodia, Germany, two from Hong Kong, Scotland, Thailand, and the U.K. That's not to mention the other 80+ schools participating from the United States of America. We have all ages participating. We are heavy in the elementary but still have a variety of ages in this trade. 
As always I'm hoping that this ATC swap is not only going to connect our students globally but also grow our #PLN (Professional Learning Network).  I have tried to connect us as much as I can via social media.  One way is by starting a Twitter List for the Swap.  This way you can follow the other members & watch them as they share the progress of the cards. Click here for the list to subscribe and follow.

Are you an Instagram person? Here are lots of Instagram Educators that are participating in the #ATCswap. Click here for live Instagram links.

So now it begins... Our participants will be getting an email soon for any final details that they may need to know.  You will see nothing for a while I'm sure about the #ATCswap because they are not due until November. As we make the cards share them on Social Media.  Tag me and hashtag #ATCswap when you post. Here we go again, gang!! This is going to be so much fun!


  1. You will find all the latest Trading Cards, Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh merchandise and single cards and more at My Trading Cards.

  2. Glad you had such a great turnout for this project...kinda bummed I missed out!!! If you do this again, please keep me in mind! Thanks!

  3. Too little too late from Belgium...
    Maybe next year!
