
Thursday, August 4, 2016

Why Artist Trading Cards? Reason Three-- Great Way to Learn

Here is the big question.  Why should Artist Trading Card be brought into your curriculum? Here are a couple of ways that I can think of... 

It allows students to use new materials... in small portions.  Check out the metal tooling above, what a great way to use up scraps or just give students a flavor for an expensive medium.

It allows students to explore with new processes.  Students can experiment with a process such as weaving before createing a large scale project. 

It can be used as an assessment.  In the image above students might have been asked to work on composition or color theory.  Students create a small ATC to be assessed rather than a large product on a simple concept. 

It can be done with students of all ability levels.  Above are preschool students work.  They created collage and printing.  Their Artist Trading Cards screamed process.  Also, they sent a little gift of shells to show us where they were from (Florida). 

It's a way to collect art from around the world. The above artwork was sent to us from Miriam Paternoster from Italy, author of Arte a Scuola . This gives students a chance to 'represent' their area as well as teachers.  Miriam also shared a video on these amazing ATC's... 

The cards become inspiration.  This carrot card is on display in my classroom.  One of my students was inspired by the card.  Students learned from the trades that were sent to us. 

It's easy to give choice when you are creating ATC's.  Let students explore subject, medium, and process as they create a miniature portfolio 2 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches.

It can provide some awesome critical thinking.  Take a look at the post earlier on comparing and contrasting ATC's.  This was a highlight of the trade for my students in 2015.

Everyone is doing it!! Last year we had bloggers, Art teachers, Homeroom teachers, Homeschool students, private and public schools participate.  The cards came from all over the United States and several countries such as Canada, Italy, and Australia to name a few. There was 76 schools that participated and over 8700 cards swapped... read more about the recap of this event here.  It only cost you the price to send it to me.  

You're jazzed now, aren't you... Well, tomorrow is the day.  At 8 AM there will be a post to let you sign up for the 2nd annual Artist Trading Card Swap.  Space is limited so make sure you sign up early... 

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