
Monday, November 7, 2016

3 Ways to Create Trolls

I went to the movie Trolls this weekend and fell in love with this subject.  Because I teach elementary, I know my 'clientele' will approve of our new lessons they are about to embark on.  I have decided to create 3 different versions highlighting the same subject... TROLLS.  I'm so excited to share these with you.

First, let me share the trailer for this sweet film.  Even if your students haven't watched yet... They can get a feel for the characters.  

For all three lessons, I would start with this simple lesson of how to draw a troll.  My plan is to allow students to be inspired by the DreamWorks Characters, but they have to change something to make it their own.  

The above is the same for all the classes... They will draw the troll head without the hair... The hair is what changes the 'Art Process' to fit my curriculum.

I have had Gelli plates in my art room for about two years, but to tell you the truth... have only used them a few times.  I want to make efforts to really dive into this process so I thought I would flip a lesson on it. Making the Printing video separate from the product allows me to use the video with any lesson that I create. It is teaching the skill rather than the project.

I did create a project video to share as well. 

Texture paper is something that I like to cover with my students at some point of their art career.  There are so many ways to create texture on paper and a collection of prepared paper is very valuable for collage work.

Again, the skill video is separate from the project lesson.  Here is the project lesson with the textured paper. 

This wet felting project was very much inspired by the Art of Education, Fibers Studio Class that I am taking currently.  I'm loving this class and I learned some great tips on wet felting.  

And the creation of the project... 

I couldn't stop myself.  I had to stick a fibers lesson in with this one because let me tell you... There was a lot of fibers inspiration in the movie.  The whole thing was animated to look like felting, wool, yarn, and stitching.  It was adorable!! 

This post was a little longer than I usually make my blog posts but I wanted to share all three ways to create trolls in your classroom today!  Please share your trolls that you and your students create on Instagram and be sure to tag @MiniMatisseArt

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the different ideas you have for the hair! Your videos are a great use of technology! If you are interested in a free troll drawing resource here is a link:
