
Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Look at the message that Donors Choose sent me today...

We’re doing something we’ve never done before to help you rally support for your classroom. Thanks to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, when a donor gives to your project or teacher page on November 29, both you and your supporter will be entered (maximum 10 entries) into our #GivingTuesday GIVEaway. One hundred teachers and donors will each receive a $5,000 gift card to support requests on our site.
If you needed an extra special reason to reach out, this is it. Let those who care about you and your students know how they can support your classroom on this global day of giving.
Your Team

Parents of Hassan,

We are often asked as teachers how can I support you? What is it that you want for the Holidays?  This is people.  I want to be able to make all my BIG ideas come true for your students in the Art Studio.  This is a GREAT way to show your support. 

On this day of giving, I want to offer an easy way to contribute—and a little glimpse into my classroom! To make sure my students have the materials they need to succeed, I’ve created a page on

Support my classroom today and we’ll both be entered in a special #GivingTuesday GIVEaway for a chance to receive a $5,000 gift card. Just think of all the students we could help!  I teach every student in the school.  I promise any request I make on is to better EVERY student education at Hassan Elementary.  

If I were to receive $5,000 for our Art Studio I know exactly what I would spend it on.  I would bring in an Artist in Residence.  I have a wish list of people who I would like to invite into our school.  These Artist are people who offer something I can't such as Fibers, Clay, or a Mosaic.

Whether or not we win the GIVEaway, your support would be a major win for my students. They’ve already accomplished so much this year, and I can’t wait to help them grow even more.

Thank you so much,
Mrs. Hahn

P.S. If you know anyone who may want to help, please pass this along!

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