
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Vacation #Crush

February 11: Vacation #Crush

This was a really hard one for me because I feel we live life like a giant vacation.  My family loves to go on vacations and 'staycation'... I should have made this list a little easier.  In saying that...

I adore any traveling I do with my family... especially if we can do some adventures tours like rock climbing or hiking.  Or if we can visit something silly like the largest twine ball in the world found right here in Minnesota :) or in Thorp, Wisconsin where you can hunt for cows throughout the city to take pictures with.  We love taking the time do explore where ever we visit.  The cheesier the better.

Our family loves to go to museums... anything from Art Museums to Children's Museums, to SPAM Museum (also found in Minnesota, people... I know where your next trip is going to be).  We love to visit what makes each town special like this picture here... Matisse at the Dickeyville Grotto.  

We go 'up north' a lot... that's Minnesota talk for hanging out at on of our 10,000 lakes, fishing, and relaxing.  We go to Florida to visit the snowbirds in our lives... We take road trips and stop along the way at random places.  Heck, we even camp in the back yard when we (and when I say we, I mean my kids and husband) want a quick little vacation.

So what makes a good vacation in my book. Low expectations, a sense of adventure, a story to tell after, and a place to create.  That is what makes me happy is having a few minutes to draw, paint, create.
Trip 'up north' visiting the Iron Mines in Soudan Minnesota

Florida, Marco Island

Kohler Art Center in Wisconsin (one of my favorite places)

So... did I answer my own question?  What is my vacation #crush??  Nope, not really... but I'm hoping you can help me out with my future vacation #crush... This summer we are going to take our longest road trip as a family.  Here is our rough (ish) plan.  Where are the must stops?

We are going to travel to a friend house in Ashville, NC.  We have an 11-year-old, and 9-year-old.  My husband loves to fish... I love anything Art.  Here is our tentative plan. Where do we need to stop? What do we need to see? Comment or send a message my way.