
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

mARTch Madness 2017, Bit-O-Bio Style

Last year Hassan Elementary participated in their First Annual mARTch Madness.  It was such a hit that we are doing it again!  This year we are putting our featured Artist against each other on the brackets.  We have been learning about each of these Artist in our Bit-O-Bio's. This week is the first games.  We will let all the students vote either as a class or individually (depending on the class).  We will see who makes it to the second round of 'games'. Good luck to all the Artist!

I created a google form to allow my students to vote.  It's an AWESOME form because Google allows you to put image for answers now.  That is a somewhat new feature that I have wanted for a while... Thanks Google! If you want to get in on the fun, you can see all the Bit-O-Bio's on my TPT page (click here).


  1. How fun!! I'm going to try to think of a way to incorporate this!! Do you have the kids vote during art, or at home?

    1. We vote in class. It's so much fun for the kids.
