
Sunday, November 26, 2017

Inviting you to our #k12ArtChat

I'm inviting you to join me for a Twitter Chat! I know... that can sound scary to some people but don't shy away yet.  I have made a tutorial for you to view if you would like to give it a try.  If there is one thing that educators are good at... It's continuing to learn and grow throughout their life. Click here to get a link to a 'how to' of a Twitter chat.

Our #k12ArtChat is one of the most visual chats you will find online. Most of the time you will find a large amount of Art Teachers throughout the world joining in.  Sometimes we talk about some very Art-specific topics... but not this Thurs. at 8:30 CST... We will be talking about Empathy and Kindness! This is a universal subject and should broaden our target market to... well... everyone!

I was inspired by a book called Unselfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in our All-About-Me World by, Michele Borba. Many of the questions asked in this twitter chat revolve around this book and the ideas presented in it. It's an amazing read as a parent and teacher, filled with probing questions, inspiring stories, and jammed packed with resources and activities to help encourage better people, more empathetic individuals.  Reading this book is NOT required to be successful in this chat, it was simply the inspiration for this weeks conversation.


On Sunday, November 26th I'm starting #k12artchat out with a slow chat question.  What does this mean? Well, it's when you answer at your own leisure.  You don't have to be there at a certain time.  You just answer the question and hashtag it with #k12artchat. If you watch this hashtag, you will be able to see how other people have answered the same thing. I would love to celebrate your posts as well, just tag me in the response, @minimatisse.

On Nov. 28th I will post a second slow chat question. This is the same as above, answer it at your own time, give it some thought, reflect and share.

Then we have the gathering of our #PLN (Professional Learning Network). I'm so excited to host Thursday night, Nov. 30th at 8:30 CST. We will be continuing our conversation about empathy and kindness. Here is a preview of the questions. I like giving participants a full view of what we will talk about so you can gather examples and give these questions some thought.

Hope to see you in our #k12ArtChat

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