
Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Label: Art Notes

I am adding a new label called Art Notes to my blog.  I have used Art Notes with ages as young as kindergarten on up to the 8th grade students I am working with now.  I feel that this would work well in high school too.  I use Art Notes mostly as a communication tool.  I might cover any of the following with Art Notes…

·      Self Critique
·      Art Knowledge
·      Peer Critiques
·      Resource List
·      Art Advocacy
·      Cross-Curricular Learning
·      Art Process

Here is a Art Note that you might want to use.  This is my Art Process Art Note.  I use this for mostly reflection of an art lesson.  This is a perfect printmaking or clay wrap up.  Click here for a link to this google doc.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, nice. One of the five grades we now give students is on "process." This might be a great help for that.
