
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

QR Codes in Action!

Kyleigh using an iPad to show her mom her Youtube explaining her artwork.

Parents at Rogers Middle school were able to hear from the artist themselves during conferences.  Nichole Hahn, Art Specialist at Rogers Middle School allowed students who completed their project early to record themselves talking about their art.  They discussed how they made the art and gave a self reflection of what they were most proud of and what they would change if they did it again.  Mrs. Hahn create a QR code that and hung it by the art work.  This way parents could use smart phones, iPads, or iPods to interact with the artwork displayed thought out the building.


Here is an example of one of the QR codes.  If you scan it, it will bring you to a student talking about their art.  Go ahead… Give it a try:)


  1. Ahhh This is so crazy! What will be doing next? Think of the technology we had as kids and now this generation! I can't imagine the technology by the time Stella is a teenager. But we will be missing Jobs.

  2. I have thought of doing this to log professional deelopment hours for staff meetings - we need to use more technology - don't we? SO interesting. I love the idea of kids sharing their stories about their artwork.

  3. I absolutely love this idea!!!! Suggestions on how to get started? What app
    did you use to create the QR codes?

  4. I love the ide and will put it into practice at our next art exhibition.

    In order to do it I guess first we will do the student by student testimonial with an iPad 2 or a web cam, upload the videos to youtube and save the links, then I will go to:
    enter the youtube links of each student and generate the qr codes,
    Maybe in a document editor paste the name of the student, youtube link and qr code to keep track of them. WAY COOL!!!!
