
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

More on the coil build projects

Ashley asked the following about the 8th grade clay works I posted about the a couple weeks ago...

These are really neat! Could you please explain how these were made? What directions did you give yours students--are the coils scored and slipped? Did you use a mold for the shape of the bowl?

Many Thanks,
Fellow Art Teacher :)

I made a video when I was working on this project.  It is not the most edited thing and it is a little long but you will hear how I taught the kids.  Hope this clears things up.


  1. Thanks for sharing that video. What grade level completed this project? Also, what were some of the difficulties the students encountered during the project?

  2. Nicole -

    This video is a true gift to art teachers and students everywhere! Thanks so much for filming and posting.

  3. Wonderful! Thank you for posting this! I can't wait to do this with my students.

