
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Shadow and Me

This is one of my favorites so far this year!!!

My 8th grade started out with drawing this quarter.  The main concept covered was value.  The instructions were to take a photo of yourself and draw your shadow.  WOW did they come up with some GREAT stuff!  I just took a digital picture and they had to cut it out.  Photoshop would be ideal but with all the testing in the school right now, I don't have a lab available this quarter.  So, I printed their picture out in black and white.  There has to be something vertical behind them.  Most choose a brick wall but others did trees and interior wall as well.  I explained how a shadow would fall on the floor at an angle and go up vertical on the wall.  I let them choose if the shadow was going to be large or small according to their idea.  The shadow had to tell me something about the story.  Perhaps their dreams, or nightmares, something they enjoy or maybe a hobby.  What a way to get to know this group of kids for their first project of the quarter!  You MUST do this project!!  it was so much fun!

Update:  I found the link that I was inspired by.  I want to give credit to a GREAT project I found via Pinterest.  The Art Juggler, Shadow Run Rampent (Click here to check it out)


  1. These are amazing... what a great idea. Thanks for sharing! Jen

  2. Wow- what an unusual and creative idea!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. That's amazing! This is one you should write up for a magazine :)

  4. What a idea!! They can express their dreams, these drawings are so narrative! Thanks!

  5. WOW I will be doing this with my grade 5/6 - hopefully they can handle it!! SO amazing!!

  6. I love how thoughtful this lesson is. Great job.

  7. As soon as I saw this post I knew I had to try it with my students! I had my After-School Art Club try it out yesterday, and loved their results! Thanks for the inspiration- I'm always looking for new things to try in the Art Room!

  8. Nice Picture Bailey it makes you look manly.
    Sort of

  9. This was the best project out of all of them. Partially cause mines up thier but still it was a fun and interesting project.

  10. This was my favorite project this whole quarter! I love using the black and white with Sharpies!!

  11. This was my favorite project this whole quarter! I love using the black and white with Sharpies!!

  12. This was a really fun project to work on and it's nothing that I've ever done before. It was unique and something I wouldn't mind doing again.

  13. I thought this project was coll it was fun being outgoing and different when we took our pictures!

  14. this is the must fun project i work on this hole time in middle school i will do this more when i get some time

  15. These are so great! Just to give me an idea, do you remember how long your students needed to complete these?
